Project 2
Simple Narrative Film
Narrative. The presentation of a structured plot in the form of a film. A given narrative tells a certain story in a certain way. For example, some epic films start by telling the audience the entire backstory from the very beginning. This does not change the structure. The decision to enclose a given plot in the form of a tale told by an old person, is a narrative decision. Putting three short films about related people into a single film is a narrative decision, separate from the structure of the short films contained therein. Preambles and Epilogues are narrative elements as well.
Self Portrait: A self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, sculpted, or filmed by the artist. Although self-portraits have been made by artists since the earliest times, it is not until the Early Renaissance in the mid 15th century that artists can be frequently identified depicting themselves as either the main subject, or as important characters in their work.

With the advent of newer modes of expression - video, the internet, and performance based art - the definitions and parameters of self portraiture, in some ways at least, have departed even further from traditional forms. What is consistent with all of them is that self-portraits are a means of self-exploration and self-expression. Artists use self-portraits for self-study, to remember the past, or as a way to release emotion. Whichever way artists choose to construct their images, they are forced to study their own personas, either physically or emotionally or both.

In this assignment you will present selfportrait using video. How you want to do that is up to you. As we have seen, self-portraits can take many forms and the artist’s likeness – the image of self – need not be a part of that, so how and what you wish to project is your creative statement.

Length of Video Two to three minute video that is an abstract self portrait.


Story must be Linear: A linear narrative is told in strictly chronological, or sequential, order. The term nonlinear refers only to narrative, not structure.

Web Resources ifilm.com